Learn how Cobalt’s Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) model makes you faster, better, and more efficient.
Learn how Cobalt’s Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) model makes you faster, better, and more efficient.

Lukasz Wierzbicki

Lukasz Wierzbicki has over 15 years of experience in Information Technology and Information Security. He has been a developer, administrator, devops specialist, security officer, team lead, and pentester with a focus in the financial and consulting industries. He holds a BSc and MSc in Software Engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology. Lukasz has experience in numerous security areas such as infrastructure penetration testing, security source code review, application and API security testing, mobile security testing, and code assisted penetration testing.

From CSRF and File Upload to RCE - JAVA

I have come across many interesting vulnerabilities throughout my offensive security career. In this post, I would like...
Sep 16, 2021
Est Read Time: 6 min